RIFE Machine

Rife Health Resonator is a cutting-edge electro-therapeutic device inspired by Dr. Royal Rife's revolutionary research. Dr. Rife discovered that electromagnetic square waves could effectively target and destroy a wide range of harmful microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even cancer cells.

Our Rife Health Resonator harnesses this powerful technology to deliver precise frequencies designed to combat infections and support overall health. Much like how an opera singer can shatter glass with the right frequency, our resonator uses similar principles to disrupt and disintegrate the harmful crystalline structures of pathogens, leaving surrounding healthy tissues unharmed.

Renowned for its rapid, painless application and complete safety, resonance therapy with the Rife Health Resonator is a non-invasive way to complement your existing medical treatments. While it should not replace traditional medical care, it is an excellent adjunct therapy for boosting your immune system and enhancing your overall well-being.

Our extensive experience in electro-therapy ensures that we deliver reliable, high-quality devices to support your health needs. Trust in our expertise and dedication to your wellness as you explore the benefits of resonance therapy.

Get one in your hands!


Why do people use it?

Rife machines are used as complementary therapies to address various illnesses by targeting parasites, fungi, and bacteria, and enhancing organ function through biofrequency. Proponents of Rife therapy believe that every medical condition has a specific electromagnetic frequency. The treatment involves identifying the frequency associated with the condition and applying an impulse of that same frequency to destroy or incapacitate diseased cells, as well as pathogens like parasites, fungi, and bacteria. While numerous websites assert that Rife machines can cure cancer, these claims should be approached with caution.

Rife treatment has been effectively used to destroy viruses and bacteria for over 75 years.

What conditions can a RIFE machine address?

Proponents claim that Rife machines can be added as an additional or complementary health tool to help variety of health issues, including infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some also believe it can support overall wellness and bolster the immune system.

How to use it?

The Rife machine transmits low-energy electrical currents, typically through your hands or a healthpad. This may involve using electrical rods that you hold, which connect to the machine and generate electrical impulses. For optimal use, apply the machine once daily and follow the provided programs for best results.

How does it work?

Rife machines use principles of sympathetic resonance and Mortal Oscillatory Rate (M.O.R.) to target microorganisms. Each microorganism has a unique electronic signature, or M.O.R. frequency, similar to a fingerprint. The machine generates specific frequencies to disrupt only the targeted pathogen, leaving other cells unharmed.

Like how a wine glass shatters at a precise frequency, Rife machines produce frequencies up to 10,000 Hz to "shake apart" pathogens without affecting the human body. This non-invasive therapy involves sitting comfortably for 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on what treatments you will be having.

Is RIFE therapy safe?

Rife therapy is generally considered non-invasive and safe. It does not involve drugs or surgery and has no known severe side effects. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new therapy, especially if you have existing health conditions.

How often should I use RIFE machine?

Usage guidelines can vary, but many recommend using the Rife machine once a day, with sessions typically lasting between 1 to 1.5 hours. Always follow the specific instructions provided with your machine and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What should I expect during a RIFE therapy session?

During a Rife therapy session, you generally sit or lie down comfortably while the machine transmits frequencies through rods or health pads. You may experience slight sensations, but the therapy is typically painless and relaxing.

History of RIFE machine

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) was an American inventor renowned for creating the Rife machine and his pioneering work in high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography. He claimed his microscopes could view live microorganisms at unprecedented magnifications. Rife also developed an "oscillating beam ray" device designed to target and destroy pathogens. His research spanned several scientific fields, including optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation.

Invented in the 1920s, the Rife machine emits low-energy waves similar to radio waves. Rife hypothesized that all medical conditions have specific electromagnetic frequencies that his machine could target and neutralize. The Rife machine operates on the principle that every microorganism, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, has a unique electromagnetic frequency. By generating energy tuned to these frequencies, the machine aims to disrupt and eliminate pathogens.