BodyScan MRA

Discovered the MRA BodyScan, an innovative biofeedback system designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of your body's overall health. This advanced technology uses non-invasive methods to analyze the electromagnetic waves of your organs and cells, offering valuable insights into your well-being. By identifying stress and imbalances, the MRA BodyScan supports a holistic approach to wellness. Experience personalized insights and proactive health monitoring with this cutting-edge tool, helping you take control of your health like never before. 

Benefits of the MRA BodyScan:

  • Comprehensive Health Assessment: Provides a detailed overview of your body's systems by analyzing the electromagnetic waves of your organs and cells.
  • Non-Invasive Technology: Utilizes biofeedback through headphones, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience without the need for invasive procedures.
  • Stress and Imbalance Detection: Offers insights into various aspects of your body's condition, organs, blood vessels, helping to identify stress and imbalances.
  • Holistic Wellness Support: Helps you understand how different factors might be affecting your health, supporting a holistic approach to wellness. 
  • Interaction Check: Assesses how your current medications and supplements interact with your body through biofeedback, similar to muscle testing. 
  • Personalized Insights: Provides personalized insights into your health, allowing for better understanding and management of your well-being.
  • Quick and Efficient: Offers a time-efficient procedure that provides comprehensive results, facilitating timely health assessments.
  • Proactive Health Monitoring: Supports proactive health monitoring, empowering you to take control of your overall health and well-being.
  • Holistic Approach to Well-being: Promotes a holistic approach to health, ensuring that all aspects of your wellness are considered and optimized. Experience a complete health assessment with the MRA BodyScan, designed to give you a clearer picture of your inner body ,blood, brain ,lymphatics and all round well-being.

    Duration of the Session:

    • 2 hours - No health printed report or eating plan 
    • 3 hours - Comes with a health printed report and personalized Eating plan
    • Prices - call for prices 

    Contact us to schedule an appointment


    How does it work?

    The BodyScan MRA is a non-invasive test that reads frequencies emitted by different organs of the body. Each cell in your body has its own oscillation, which can be detected and stored by the BodyScan MRA. These oscillations can be contrasted against studies of oscillations from various pathologies, to identify the degree of their similarity to reference processes (healthy, pathology-affected tissues, infection agents). This is useful in identifying areas of possible ailments in your body, and recommending safe medications compatible with your specific health profile.

    The BodyScan MRA is based on the science of Bioelectromagnetics, which is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities. Studies in this field include electromagnetic fields produced by organisms, living cells and tissues, the effects of man-made sources of electromagnetic fields like mobile phones on living organisms, and the application of electromagnetic radiation in treatments of various conditions.

    The BodyScan MRA is also particularly good at identifying “hard to detect” ailments and illnesses, and can be useful for providing detailed information which a medical professional can use to guide further assessments to diagnose and treat the patient accordingly.

    What ailments can the BodyScan MRA detect?

    This system collects the data of all organs, body systems, cells and blood, and then transmits this data back to the computer. This is instantly decoded and displayed on the screen in 3D models of organs.

    The most exciting feature of the software is that it can pick up the root cause of conditions, and allow early detection of cancers and tumors by identifying changes/abnormalities in the biofeedback, vibrations or frequencies of the body tissue.

    • Heart/Brain/Lungs – Arteries condition, thickness of blood, oxygen supply to the body and brain.
    • Gastro intestinal/Stomach, Small intestine and Colon – Pepsin and acid levels, peristalsis movement and absorption levels of food, and more...
    • Liver/Kidneys/Gallbladder and Pancreas – Fatty liver, detoxification, bile secretion, uric acid levels, protein urea, blood sugar, insulin as well as blood sugar levels.
    • Reproductive organs.
    • Toxins and Heavy metals – Variety of heavy metals and environmental pollution.
    • Endocrine and immune system – Thyroid, adrenal, lymph, spleen and thymus.
    • Blood lipids – Triglyceride, LDL and HDL levels
    • Various Acid levels in the body – Ph blood, uric acid and stomach acid.
    • Bone State – Bone growth, bone density, calcium problems and other nutrients related to bones, osteoporosis, rheumatism and degree of calcification of bones.
    • Eyes and skin analysis – visual fatigue, eye cell activity, lymphatic obstruction, collagen levels- eyes, endocrine, hair and skin, nervous system, skeletal, reproductive system, digestive system and fat metabolism.
    • BMI Levels and BMR rate –Degree of obesity, basal metabolism rate, and body mass index.

    What happens at a BodyScan MRA Screening?

    Health screening with the BodyScan MRA simply involves sitting in a chair and wearing headphones. The headphones send subsonic sound waves through your body, and can detect the frequency responses that are returned. Because the sound waves are subsonic, you will not hear anything through the headphones.

    The BodyScan MRA takes approximately 30 minutes to run. Once the scan has been done, you are able to see initial results on the screen, and can expect a full report with details within a two week period, if this is the option you have chosen.

    What is Biofeedback

    It is a known scientific fact that all matter resonates. By knowing the frequency that specific pathogens resonate at, it is then possible to detect them in the body using Biofeedback and sympathetic resonance.

    Every cell in the body has a unique energy signature, which consists of 55 measurements types (frequency, voltage, inductance, amperage etc). Similarly, pathogens also have unique energy signatures. Biofeedback involves the ability to send frequencies through the body, and measuring the frequencies that are returned using a principle called sympathetic resonance.

    By recording the energy signatures that are returned, the BodyScan MRA can compare them against a database of known energy signatures of pathogens to determine if any exist in the body, and how prevalently.

    Does the BodyScan MRA diagnose and treat disease?


    The BodyScan MRA screens for energetic imbalances, and can suggest what medications and remedies would be helpful (homeopathic, herbal, nutritional). For example, the BodyScan MRA, may detect excessive inflammation, essential fatty acid deficiency, and adrenal stress in a person that has been diagnosed with heart disease, however the BodyScan MRA cannot, and should not, be used to diagnose a specific disease state.

    Diagnosis of a disease involves the chemical or mechanical measurement of body functions, systems or organs, which the BodyScan MRA does not do.

    Any suggestions that are made based on BodyScan MRA results are for nutritional and lifestyle purposes only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease or as a substitute for advice and care of a medical professional.

    Supplement testing

    The BodyScan MRA can also be used to test how well your body is responding to the nutritional supplements that you are taking, and to see if your immune system is strong enough to fight off illnesses, bacteria, viruses and parasites.

    If you would like to have your supplements tested, please request this prior to your session, and then bring your supplements along.

    History & Development

    Theoretical and experimental development of this technology started back in the late 19th century with a culmination of research by scientists such as Nikola Tesla, J. Lakhovsky (studies of the effects of Radio Frequencies on animals and plants), and more prominently, the American researcher Dr. Royal Rife and Dr Hulda Clark.

    Rife extended J. Lakhovsky’s research by studying the effects of radio frequencies on humans. His analysis is included in the software of the BodyScan MRA Device.

    The first biofield detection devices used manual data entry and manual detection. The biofield matrix detection involved synchronising the low-frequency vibrations of the operator’s brain, with that of the patients. In other words, the operator's energetic state was coherently synchronous with the patients and, and this could be detected by using a sensing-amplifying effect. Results were reported by the deviation of the L-shaped frame in the hand of the operator using a Fleyndera scale (this scale is used in the analysis software of the current Non-Linear System). However, this method of biofield matrix detection was too subjective, and led to the invention of the first electronic L-shaped frames called “trigger sensors”. Trigger sensors automatically sense the magnetic vortex states (biofield matrix information) of the patient. Software Developers collected these signals in a computer database of over 100,000 patients, amassing data for well over 1000 specific health processes. Distant biofield matrix detection experiments were carried out by VN Kravkov in the 20th century.

    The BodyScan MRA device method of analysis was developed at the Russian Institute of Practical Psychophysics. Every organ and every cell has associated with it a biofield magnetic vortex state, which is stored in the computer database and can be displayed as a graph on a computer screen. These graphs represent the conditions of information exchange between the measured organ’s biofield and the environment. Every pathological process with distinctive age and sex has its own distinctive biofield graph stored in the computer database. After measuring the biofield frequency profile of a patient, the technology compares the degree of their spectral similarity with those of biofields of healthy and pathologically affected subjects, or the biofields of infection agents, to obtain the closest biofield process or tendency.